Superwoman’s kryptonite: The superwoman schema and perceived barriers to weight management among U.S. Black women

dc.contributor.authorCharlie Harris
dc.contributor.authorBrian M. Goldman
dc.contributor.authorPinar Gurkas
dc.contributor.authorCrystal Butler
dc.contributor.authorPriscilla Bookman
dc.description.abstractThe role that the superwoman schema (SWS) plays in U.S. Black women’s perceptions of barriers (biological, psychological, and sociological) to healthy weight management is unknown. This exploratory study examined whether 122 women classified as normal weight, overweight or obese differed in their perceptions of types of barriers and if the SWS predicted perceived barriers to weight management. Women classified as obese reported more barriers than those classified as normal weight. The SWS uniquely positively predicted perceived psychological and sociological barriers. Our findings suggest that the SWS may play a vital role in the self-management of weight in U.S. Black women.
dc.titleSuperwoman’s kryptonite: The superwoman schema and perceived barriers to weight management among U.S. Black women
dc.typeJournal Article, Academic Journal
dcterms.bibliographicCitationJournal of Health Psychology 27(13), 2887-2897, (January 28, 2022)