A taxonomy for financial services selling
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Joie S Hain
Brian N Rutherford
Joe F Hair
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Journal Article, Academic Journal
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The financial services industry accounts for almost half of the country’s non-farm, commercial profit, making the industry a major driver of the economy. Prior to this study, limited information was available to evaluate financial services sales activities, and a taxonomy of sales activities for individuals in the financial services industry had not previously been conducted. Prior empirically developed sales taxonomies did not include service firms and specifically financial services, while focusing on manufacturing and other product sales. Given that taxonomies are a critical step in scientific inquiry, this is a major limitation in the literature hindering the development of a better understanding of this important industry. Using an established methodology and a seminal sales taxonomy, a financial services sales taxonomy was conducted. Results reflect that financial services sales positions differ from those in other industries. Six sets of sales activities (factors) along with six job positions (clusters) were identified. <br><br><br><br>Keywords: Taxonomy, Sales Activities, Financial Services, Cluster Analysis